
Are whiteboard interviews good?

Are whiteboard interviews good?

In terms of assessing developer candidates’ hard skills, in person whiteboard interviews just aren’t cutting it. They can be useful for conducting a brainstorming or idea-hashing session but not for writing actual code.

Do all companies ask LeetCode?

But never any leetcode questions. However these are questions where you don’t have to memorize “tricks” to solve them in the amount of time you’re given. That being said FAANG companies are known to ask the typical “LeetCode” type of questions, so if you’re applying to those companies expect such interview questions.

Why are whiteboard interviews bad?

Whiteboard interviews also punish more experienced developers who are too busy doing real software development to drop everything and cram for a month. They also punish people who don’t have a computer science degree, or who finished theirs so long ago that they’ve forgotten most of these (rarely needed) algorithms.

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What do coding interviews look like?

The onsite usually consists of 2–6 individual, one-on-one technical interviews (usually in a small conference room). Each interview will be about an hour and have the same basic form as a phone screen—technical questions, bookended by some chitchat at the beginning and a chance for you to ask questions at the end.

How long do coding interviews take?

In general, a coding interview is about 45 minutes of problem solving. Sometimes you’ll get a few short technical questions, but usually you’ll only dig into one complex algorithmic coding interview question (like the ones in our course).

Are leetcode hard problems asked in interviews?

Hard questions don’t usually show up in interviews. Ask anyone with experience conducting tech interviews. They’ll say that Leetcode Hards are never asked. It’s well-known knowledge at this point.

Why do tech companies use leetcode?

Why LeetCode? There are three primary reasons why our users LeetCode: to prepare for the technical portion of a job interview, to get into FAANG, or to improve their total compensation. For many engineers on Blind, their goal is to accomplish all three.

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Should I use Python for coding interview?

A formal interview coach from Google ensured that Python is fine, and often helps in conveying basic understanding faster in an interview. For face-to-face interview (both hangout and on-site), practice programming on a whiteboard. It frustrates at first, but helps a lot as well.