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Are you happy with your job as a teacher?

Are you happy with your job as a teacher?

Teachers are below average when it comes to happiness. At CareerExplorer, we conduct an ongoing survey with millions of people and ask them how satisfied they are with their careers. As it turns out, teachers rate their career happiness 3.0 out of 5 stars which puts them in the bottom 36\% of careers.

What are the things you find most satisfying in teaching?

5 Most Rewarding Moments Every Teacher Experiences

  • Influencing the Future. As a teacher, you are giving children the skills they need to go out into the world and succeed.
  • Help Build Self-Esteem.
  • You Get to Work in a Fun, Creative Setting.
  • Every Day is Different and Exciting.
  • You Make Learning Fun.
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How satisfied are you with your job answer?

Here are some tips to help you think of a situation when you were most satisfied in your job: Think about a time you made a direct and positive impact on a project, team member, manager or company. Consider a time when you overcame a challenge. Ask yourself what makes you feel passionate or happy when you work.

How do you answer when were you most satisfied in your job?

Tips for Answering “When Were You Most Satisfied in a Job?”

  1. Think about challenges you had to overcome.
  2. Show how you were able to benefit your employer or make a direct impact on the company.
  3. Consider relationships with your coworkers and how they helped you grow as a person and as a professional.

Do you consider teachers to be good teachers?

Yes, because they are professional in their teaching and they possesses a characteristics of a good and true professional teacher. They inspire lot of students and they mold them into a better person that they can be. They are the one who teach them to do what they can and what they should be.

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What would happen if there are no teachers?

There are no Doctors, Engineers, Lawyer, and Pilot and so on if there are no teachers. Teachers are the Nation builders. Considering that you will be a future professional teacher, what standards of behavior should you uphold based on the code of Ethics for Professional Teachers?

Do you think teachers are the nation builders?

Yes. Because teacher is the one who made all the professions that the students wanted to be. There are no Doctors, Engineers, Lawyer, and Pilot and so on if there are no teachers. Teachers are the Nation builders.