
Are you planning to live in Australia after your course ends?

Are you planning to live in Australia after your course ends?

What are your plans after completing your course in Australia? However, the visa does not allow students to reside in Australia once they have finished their studies, so you should provide an answer that emphasizes your desire to return to your home country after completing the course.

Can I stay in Australia after studying?

The post study work visa allows international students to stay, work or look for a job in Australia after they graduate. Depending on their qualification and region of study, the stay durations are from 18 months and up to 6 years.

How long can you stay in Australia with a student visa?

5 years
The maximum length of stay for a Student visa will generally not exceed 5 years….Length of stay for Student visas.

Length of course Length of stay
10 months or longer, finishing at the end of the Australian academic year (November to December) We will usually grant a visa stay period to 15 March of the following year
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Can international students stay in Australia after graduation?

Develop your skills: The Department of Immigration and Border Protection’s Temporary Graduate Visa (Subclass 485) allows international students to remain in Australia for up to 18 months after they complete their studies to travel, gain work experience or improve their English language skills.

How long can I stay in Australia after my graduation?

18 months
Once an international student graduates, they are able to stay in Australia for 18 months to four years, depending on their qualification. In order to stay, they need a Graduate Temporary Skilled Visa (subclass 485).

Is it easy to get PR in New Brunswick?

Receiving a Canada Permanent Resident Visa from the Federal Government is significantly easier with a NB nomination boosting your Express Entry score, since you must be selected via an Express Entry draw in order to be invited to apply.