At what time between 8 and 9 will the hands of a clock be opposite?

At what time between 8 and 9 will the hands of a clock be opposite?

Hence, 8:11 is the correct answer.

At what time are the hands of a clock perpendicular?

The hands in the clock are perpendicular 22 times in 12 and 44 times in one day. In an hour the minute hand gains 55 minutes over an hour hand. Thus, to calculate the number of minutes gained by the minute over an hour we have to multiply it by (60/55) or (12/11).

At what time between 8 and 9 will the minute and hour hand be at right angles?

At that time the minute hand would have covered 360*x/60 = 60 x degrees. At the same time the hour hand would have covered 30*x/5 +8*30= 6 x +240 degrees. So at 8:2.777 or 8:27:46.67 the two hands will form 90 degrees at the center of the dial.

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What angle is made between the hands of a clock if they are perpendicular to each other?

12 hours later, it is 1PM and the hour hand is back on the 1. So, 360 degrees in 1 hour. In order to be perpendicular, the two hands need to form a 90 degree angle. Start at 5:00.

At what time between 7 and 8 will the hands of a clock be in the same straight line but not together?

When the hands of the clock are in the same straight line but not together, they are 30 minute spaces apart. At 7 o’clock, they are 25 min. spaces apart. ∴ Minute hand will have to gain only 5 min.

At what time between 8 and 9 o’clock will the hands of a clock be in the same straight line?

At 8 o’clock the hour hand is at 8 and the minute hand is at 12 i.e. both are 20 minutes apart. Thus, to be in same straight line they must be 30 minute apart i.e. either at 3 & 9 or 6 & 12 or vice versa.

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At what time between 5 and 6 are the hands of a clock 8 minutes apart?

At what time between 5 and 6 are the hands 8 minute spaces apart? At 5 O’ clock, the two hands are 25 min spaces apart. In this case, the min hand will have to gain (25 + 8) i.e. 33 – minute spaces. So, 33 – minute spaces will be gained in (60/55)×33=36 min.

How much does a clock lose per day?

=6055×60=1211×60 =72011=65511 min. = 60 55 × 60 = 12 11 × 60 = 720 11 = 65 5 11 min….Clock #12.

12. How much does a watch lose per day, if its hands coincide every 64 minutes?
A. 34111 34 1 11 minute B. 32811 32 8 11 minute
C. 33211 33 2 11 minute D. 31 minute

How many minutes apart are the hands of the clock?

When the hands of the clock are in the same straight line but not together, they are 30 minute spaces apart. At 7 o’clock, they are 25 min. spaces apart. ∴ Minute hand will have to gain only 5 min. spaces.

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What is the angle between the two hands at seven o’clock?

The angle between the two hands at seven o’clock is 150o. The two hands will be in a straight line, when the angle between them is 180o, i.e., when the angle increases by another 30o. The angle changes at the rate of 5.5o per minute. So, the time taken to change the angle by 30o is 5.51

What time is 12/59 pm?

Noon to 12:59 pm is the early afternoon. Similarly, midnight to 12:59 am is the early morning. On clocks, noon is an instant of time. That time is 12:00 exactly and it’s usually written as 12:00 pm. Thus 12:59 pm is 59 minutes into the afternoon.