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Can 2 events be mutually exclusive and independent at the same time?

Can 2 events be mutually exclusive and independent at the same time?

Yes, there is relationship between mutually exclusive events and independent events. Let’s clarify that mutually exclusive events do not share any sample points with each other, so they cannot occur at the same time.

Can mutually inclusive events be independent?

Another way to think of it is that two mutually inclusive events cannot happen independently. If you have two events that are dependent in some way, they are mutually inclusive.

Is it true that independence of two events A and B implies they are mutually exclusive?

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A and B are mutually exclusive events if they cannot occur at the same time. This means that A and B do not share any outcomes and P(A AND B) = 0. Therefore, A and B are not mutually exclusive.

CAN A and B be mutually exclusive and independent?

The definition of being mutually exclusive (disjoint) means that it is impossible for two events to occur together. Given two events, A and B, they are mutually exclusive if (A П B) = 0. If these two events are mutually exclusive, they cannot be independent.

What’s the difference between mutually exclusive and independent events?

Two events are mutually exclusive when they cannot occur at the same time. For example, if we flip a coin it can only show a head OR a tail, not both. Independent event: The occurrence of one event does not affect the occurrence of the others.

What is the difference between mutually exclusive and exhaustive?

When two events are mutually exclusive, it means they cannot both occur at the same time. When two events are exhaustive, it means that one of them must occur.

What is the difference between mutually exclusive and inclusive?

2 events are mutually exclusive when they cannot both occur simultaneously. 2 events are mutually inclusive when they can both occur simultaneously.

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What is the difference between mutually exclusive and independent?

What is the difference between mutually exclusive and independent events explain by example examples?

Two events are mutually exclusive when they cannot occur at the same time. For example, if we flip a coin it can only show a head OR a tail, not both. Independent event: For example, if we flip a coin two times, the first time may show a head, but the next time when we flip the coin the outcome will be heads also.

Can an event be neither independent or mutually exclusive?

So mutual dependence is prerequisite for mutual exclusivity therefore mutually exclusive events can’t be independent.

What is a mutually exclusive relationship?

Mutually exclusive refers to the relationship between two or more events that cannot occur at the same time.

Is mutually exclusive the same as independent?

The significant differences between mutually exclusive and independent events are elaborated as under: Mutually exclusive events are those events when their occurrence is not simultaneous. In mutually exclusive events, the occurrence of one event will result in the non-occurrence of the other.

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What does mutually exclusive events mean?

MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS. For example, if you flip a heads on a coin, it is impossible to flip a tails at the same time. MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE EVENTS: “Mutually exclusive events are actions which simply cannot both occur, for example- if EVENT A happens, then EVENT B cannot happen and vice versa.”.

Can dependent events be mutually exclusive?

Mutually Exclusive Dependent. In general, two events A and B are called mutually exclusive events if the occurrence of any one of them prohibits the occurrence of the other event that is if they can not occur simultaneously. Dependent events are the events in which the result of one event does have an effect on the outcome of another event.

What does mutually exclusive means?

mutually exclusive. adjective. : being related such that each excludes or precludes the other mutually exclusive events also : incompatible their outlooks were not mutually exclusive.