
Can a British person lose their accent?

Can a British person lose their accent?

Not just British people: the rules for accent retention or loss apply to all H Sapiens, equally. There are no especially “sticky” or weak accents, but there do seem to be individuals who shift around more then others.

How do you get rid of English accents?

How To Effectively Reduce Your Accent in English!

  1. But First…
  2. Slow Down and Enunciate Your Words.
  3. Listen To An E-Book While Reading a Book.
  4. Feel The Rhythm While You Learn English.
  5. Read to Yourself As You Learn English.
  6. Perfect Your Pronunciation of “Th-”
  7. Record Yourself Speaking.

Why do American and British accents sound so different?

As for the “why,” though, one big factor in the divergence of the accents is rhotacism. The General American accent is rhotic and speakers pronounce the r in words such as hard. The BBC-type British accent is non-rhotic, and speakers don’t pronounce the r, leaving hard sounding more like hahd.

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Are there any exceptions to the rhotic American and British accents?

As mentioned above, there are regional exceptions to both these general American and British sounds. Some of the accents of southeastern England, plus the accents of Scotland and Ireland, are rhotic. Some areas of the American Southeast, plus Boston, are non-rhotic.

Which countries have the most English speakers in the world?

The Netherlands: 15M English Speakers. 90 percent of people in the Netherlands speak English, and their EPI score is 73.8, which is the highest of any country they tested.

Is there such a thing as a general American accent?

Of course, with the speed that language changes, a General American accent is now hard to find in much of this region, with New York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Chicago developing their own unique accents, and GenAm now considered generally confined to a small section of the Midwest. As mentioned above,…