Can a commerce girl student join Merchant Navy?

Can a commerce girl student join Merchant Navy?

Yes, 12th Commerce & Arts students are eligible to join the Indian Navy, but there are limited post options. Only Science students can study further for the Indian Navy (through NDA) and get officer rank posts as per their eligibility.

Can a girl join Merchant Navy after 12th commerce?

Yes. If you have done 12th in PCM with 60\% in PCM. Yes, girls can join Merchant Navy after passing their class XII with PCME, i.e. Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics and English. They must score an aggregate of 60\% in PCM and at least 55\% in English.

Can a commerce stream student join Merchant Navy?

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Anyone can join in merchant navy. Eventhough you r a commerce graduate you will have to start from starting. Commerce graduatation won’t be a add-on for you. If you want to join in merchant navy you can from basic level.

Can Merchant Navy Join commerce background?

If you’ve completed your school in Commerce, you can definitely join Merchant Navy. This course can be accepted if you have done either its 10th class or 12th class. You can easily apply for this course after commerce.

Can I join Merchant Navy after BBA?

Unfortunately it’s not possible to join merchant navy (floating staff) after BBA. It requires either engineering or science background.

Can a BCOM graduate do Merchant Navy?

Only the Science stream students are eligible for job in Merchant Navy. But since you have completed graduation in commerce, it closes all doors for you. The candidate who has completed 12th standard with Physics, Chemistry and Maths is eligible for job.

Can BCOM student join Merchant Navy?

Originally Answered: Can I join the merchant navy after a bcom degree? A2A: Yes, you can join Merchant Navy for positions related to Pantry if you hold a bachelor’s degree in Commerce.

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Can a girl join Army after BCOM?

Yes sure you can join Indian Army if you have completed your graduation from commerce B.Com. You can join Indian Army to appear in Combined Defence Service (CDS) exam. this exam is conducted by Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) twice in a year.

What is BBA shipping?

BBA Shipping is a management under graduate course that focuses on the managerial aspects of the shipping sector. The course covers general management and business administration lessons.

What is BBA with logistics?

BBA Logistics & Supply Chain Management is a three-year undergraduate programme that provides students with the fundamental knowledge of logistics and supply chain business operations. The programme is structured institution that is known for its global standing in creating job-ready professionals of tomorrow.

Is Merchant Navy a good job for women?

In times, when woman are in every part of the job sectors, merchant navy has also felt their presence in the last decade to a great extent.In fact over the years, the number of female candidates who ‘Joined Merchant Navy’ has gone up a lot. But when it comes to new aspirants, they have lot of questions in their mind; we will answer them one by one.

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Can I join Merchant Navy having Commerce as my subject?

No Brother you can’t join merchant navy having commerce as your subject in 10+2. Following is the criteria for joining merchant navy after 10+2. 55\% in science. 60\% in English. 18 to 25 years.

Is meritmerchant Navy a good field to choose?

Merchant Navy can be the best field for those candidates who want to earn big and travelling through oceans for months does not bother you. Merchant navy is a fleet of ships that is responsible for transporting heavy goods from one country to another.

What is the role of Merchant Navy in international trade?

Merchant navy is a fleet of ships that is responsible for transporting heavy goods from one country to another. It is one of the essential parts of international trade as most of the import and export is done through ships. A career in Merchant Navy can be most beneficial if you are looking for lucrative jobs.