Tips and tricks

Can a cube planet exist?

Can a cube planet exist?

It’s not possible unless the planet is made of unobtainum. If you had, for example, a cube-shaped planet with a liquid center, you would have a huge amount of pressure on the liquid interior of the planet applied by the corners of the cube, which would effectively function like gigantic mountains.

Why is the Earth not a cube?

It all comes down to gravity. On our spherical Earth, gravity pulls “down” us toward the planet’s center of mass. So on a flat surface, we naturally stand up straight. A hypothetical cube world, however, would feature six square faces and you’d only encounter up/down gravity toward the centers of these regions.

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Is Donut Earth possible?

A donut planet, also known as a toroid planet, is a theoretical type of planet that resembles a donut, rather than a typical sphere. While a donut planet is extremely unlikely to naturally exist anywhere in the universe, it is actually possible for such a planet to exist.

What if the Earth was Doughnut?

If our round Earth has surface gravity of 1 G, the surface gravity of a donut Earth along the poles would be 0.65 G. At the equator, the gravity would go down to just 0.3 G. It would be like walking on the surface of Mars. That way, centrifugal forces would kick in and keep the donut hole intact.

What would happen if the Earth was a cube?

However, if the Earth was a cube that rotated through its corners, then each side would have a temperate climate, you could say good bye to extreme temperatures and precipitation. Sadly, that means saying good bye to your equatorial fantasy world too. On the plus side, you might just be able to walk into outer space.

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Is it possible for a planet to be cube shaped?

So a tiny planet could be cube shaped (it’s not likely to form that way, but whatev’s). Something the size of the Earth, however, is doomed to be hella round. This Cube-Earth is a lot more livable than it should be.

What would life be like on a cubic Earth?

This Cube-Earth is a lot more livable than it should be. Life on a cubic Earth would be pretty different. Although gravity on the surface wouldn’t generally point toward the exact center of the Earth anymore (that’ a symptom of being a sphere), it will still point roughly in toward the center.

Can You Stand Tall on a cube earth?

Now, hold that thought and make sure that gravity doesn’t restructure this giant cube back into the same old sphere. On this cubed Earth, gravity would be the strongest at the center of each face. Thus, the further away you are from the center, the more you will feel the pull of gravity. Hope you didn’t take “standing tall” for granted!