
What kind of movies do intelligent people like?

What kind of movies do intelligent people like?

15 Smart Movies For Smart People

  • Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (2011)
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)
  • Predestination (2014)
  • Enemy (2013)
  • Tree of Life (2011)
  • Take Shelter (2011)
  • Being John Malkovich (1999)
  • Amélie (2001)

What are movies that make you think called?

Here are 15 Movies That Really Will Make You Think.

  • 15 Ex Machina.
  • 14 The Fountain.
  • 13 Shutter Island.
  • 12 Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.
  • 11 Stranger than Fiction.
  • 10 Black Swan.
  • 9 Barton Fink.
  • 8 2001: A Space Odyssey.

How can I watch an intelligent movie?

begin to think in a more concentrated way about the film’s structure, acting, directing, the camera shots and angles, etc.

  1. Turn on Dialogue Subtitles: Use the closed-caption feature with DVDs, in order to better understand the dialogue.
  2. Use Freeze-Frames:
  3. Listen Carefully to the Soundtrack:
  4. Watch Film Extras:

Who thought of movies?

Thomas Edison
Eadweard Muybridge

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Why do we watch films that change our minds?

And some films are made to touch our minds, to get our mental cogs working, to awaken and expand our consciousness. They are films that deal with questions that we are all too eager and too afraid to ponder. It is those films that signal our awakening and that push us into seeing life and our existence differently.

What are the films that push us to see life differently?

They are films that deal with questions that we are all too eager and too afraid to ponder. It is those films that signal our awakening and that push us into seeing life and our existence differently. 1. Waking Life, by Rickard Linklater

Why do we watch movies?

Some movies are made to touch our heart and soul with an overabundance of sentiment. They make us come in touch with our humanity and empathy. And some films are made to touch our mind, to get our mental cogs working, to awaken and expand our consciousness. They are films that deal with questions that we are all too eager and too afraid to ponder.