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Can a diabetic patient eat wheat meal?

Can a diabetic patient eat wheat meal?

Whole grains Eating a diet high in fiber is important for people with diabetes because fiber slows the digestion process. A slower absorption of nutrients helps keep blood sugar levels stable. Whole wheat and whole grains are lower on the glycemic index (GI) scale than white breads and rice.

Why wheat flour is bad for you?

The other harmful effects of consuming wheat flour are that it raises the cholesterol level, clogs the arteries, disrupts the blood sugar level, causes mood swings and irritability and increases your cravings for more food. It also causes a fatty liver, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis.

Is Maida good for diabetes?

Over consumption of maida is linked with constipation. The glycemic index of maida is very high. It is not suitable to patients suffering from diabetes and obesity.

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Does whole wheat spike insulin?

Whole grains One study found that whole grain consumption benefited insulin sensitivity. Fasting insulin rates were 10 percent lower after consumption. Whole-grain bread has a GI score of 51, and whole-grain pasta has a GI score of 42.

Is shredded wheat good for diabetics?

The other thing is, shredded wheat has more fibre and protein in it than corn flakes do. Basically, fibre, protein, and fat, all slow down the absorption of sugars, and make meals better for diabetics.

Can diabetics eat Shredded Wheat?

Eating foods high in fiber helps to regulate your blood sugar levels by slowing down the digestive process. Fiber is found in whole grains. The American Diabetes Association recommends choosing cereals that contain 3 grams or more of fiber per serving. Post Shredded Wheat contains 6 grams of dietary fiber per serving.

Are Wheaties good for diabetics?

Eating a diet rich in wheat is very beneficial for diabetics. If you choose whole wheat products such as wheat bread, wheat flour and broken wheat for diabetics, you are essentially providing the body with the means to control cholesterol and reduce fat.