
Can a person be book smart and street smart?

Can a person be book smart and street smart?

Street smarts are what a person learns through their personal endeavors whereas book smarts comes from a lecture or textbook. Someone who possesses street smarts can also have book smarts, but usually people who have book smarts only rely on their intelligence.

How do you become street smart?

In the urban world, being street smart means instinctively knowing how to keep yourself safe from scams and bad guys….Street Smart Disciplines Every Entrepreneur Needs

  1. Work smart.
  2. Present everything.
  3. Deal with people.
  4. Watch your money.
  5. Get more business.
  6. Manage yourself.
  7. Everybody sells.

Why should I be book smart?

With book smarts, once you got it, you got it. When you have actual, verifiable knowledge to back you up, no one can come along and knock your facts on their face. With street smarts, you feel like you’re always on the defensive, but with book smarts you can relax and rely on the knowledge to do the work.

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What makes someone street smart?

“Having street smarts means knowing how to respond in different situations and paying attention to your surroundings.” It also means acknowledging worst-case scenarios and then taking steps to prevent them — in the most casual way possible. Because again, this doesn’t mean you have to live in fear.

Who can be the winner book smart or street smart GD topic?

Only someone who is both book smart and street smart can be a winner. A book smart person is someone who knows his facts well. Facts are important for decision making – only after you understand the facts and theories can you apply them to real-life situations.

Are street smart people more intelligent than book smart people?

Street smart people have situational intelligence which allows them to handle any given circumstance much better than their book smart counterparts. Book smart people are typical of higher intelligence and good at following what is expected of them, rather than having the ability to navigate difficult situations smoothly.

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What is a book smart person?

The general definition of book smart is someone who is intelligent and very well educated academically. However, the term is usually used to contrast and compare with another term known as ” street smart “.

What does it mean to be street smart?

Street smarts means you’ve put yourself at risk and survived. Or thrived. Or have scars. You’ve been tested and have a bank of courage to depend on when you are tested again. Being street smart can lead to book smarts as the street smart sense what works and what doesn’t, and adapt accordingly.

Are street-smart people being demeaned by higher education?

After all, simply having a certain status does not automatically confer knowledge on these individuals. Conversely, street-smart people are often demeaned simply because they are classified as those who “didn’t have the right stuff” to attend an institute of higher learning. That isn’t right either.