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Can a person convert to Zoroastrianism?

Can a person convert to Zoroastrianism?

They generally do not allow conversion to the faith and, as such, for someone to be a Zoroastrian they must be born of Zoroastrian parents. Some traditionalists recognize the children of mixed marriages as Zoroastrians, though usually only if the father is a born Zoroastrian.

What religion is Iran based on?

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY. The constitution defines the country as an Islamic republic and specifies Twelver Ja’afari Shia Islam as the official state religion. It states all laws and regulations must be based on “Islamic criteria” and an official interpretation of sharia.

Is Iran a Shia country?

Iran has been a Shia country since the 16th century. It is the largest Shia country, with a population of about 83 million.

Is Zoroastrianism a recognized religion in Iran?

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The religion is recognized by the state. Zoroastrian believers enjoy representation in the Iranian government. Judaism is among the oldest religion in Iran. It dates back to the old biblical times. Jews in Iran are recognized by the state as a minority religious group.

Why are Zoroastrians turning their backs against Iran?

Many young Zoroastrians, in particular, react to the increasingly bleak career opportunities in the autocratic Islamic theocracy by simply turning their backs on the country. According to estimates, the number of Zoroastrians in Iran has decreased from 60,000 in the late 1970s to 30,000 today.

What is the history of Christianity in Iran?

Christians in Iran date back to the early years of Christianity in the First Century AD. Iran has numerous churches. Christianity is the fastest growing religion in Iran currently. Zoroastrianism was the predominant religion in Iran before the Islamic conquest in 640 AD. After the conquest, Islam became the predominant religion.

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Is Ali’s father a Zoroastrian?

According to Iran’s official records, Ali’s father is registered as a Muslim. Under Iranian law, children automatically take their father’s religion. Iranians who depart Islam for another faith face imprisonment or even execution. Zoroastrian priests performing a group Navjote initiation ceremony.