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Can a tooth be sensitive years after a root canal?

Can a tooth be sensitive years after a root canal?

With proper care, even teeth that have had root canal treatment can last a lifetime. But sometimes, a tooth that has been treated doesn’t heal properly and can become painful or diseased months or even years after treatment.

Why does my tooth still hurt after root canal treatment?

First, though the nerve-filled “pulp” is removed from your tooth, there are still other nerves and sensitive tissues near the canal of your tooth, and these can be irritated and become swollen or inflamed after your endodontic treatment, causing some minor discomfort.

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Why is my tooth still sensitive after a root canal and crown?

Since so much of your tooth material is removed during the process, it’s normal for the pulp to become a bit irritated. If your tooth feels sore and sensitive for a few days but then the sensitivity starts to fade, this is likely the issue, and it’s nothing to worry about. It will go away on its own.

How long is root canal treatment?

As a general estimate, any single root canal appointment will last somewhere between 30 and 60 minutes, but in more complicated cases, the dentist may need as long as an hour and a half. Root canal treatment time is determined by the type of tooth being treated and the number of root canals needed.

How do you know if a root canal is successful?

A successful root canal is not painful (it may take some days to settle as the dentist will have instrumented and aggravated the tissues around the end of the tooth). There are no symptoms or tenderness and mobility has not increased. There is no draining sinus present and ligament surrounding the tooth appears normal.

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How long does a root canal take to develop?

The time it takes for a cavity to form varies. It can, on average, take anywhere from six months to four or five years before a cavity requires treatment.

What is the healing time for a root canal?

Recovery Time for Root Canal. The recovery time for root canal procedure is around three to four days if there are no complications. After a day the tooth may be sensitive. This can be explained by natural tissue inflammation.

What kind of pain is normal after a root canal?

In fact, a root canal is meant to help you avoid pain related to a decaying or fractured tooth. It’s normal to experience mild to moderate pain for a few days after a root canal. Any pain beyond this point may warrant additional cleaning of the canals or other procedures from your dentist.

Why does my tooth still hurt after a root canal?

There may be several reasons why a tooth may still experience discomfort after a root canal. One reason may be due to accessory canals where the nerve tissue was not completely removed in its entirety. Another reason may be a hairline crack in the tooth, which can lead to a vertical fracture although the tooth is still crowned.

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What to expect after a root canal?

Some Pain is to be Expected after a Root Canal. Some pain after root canal surgery should be expected.

  • After Root Canal Surgery. Once the dental process is done,the local anesthetic will start to wear off.
  • Dealing with Pain after a Root Canal.
  • Light Meals.
  • Rest.
  • Seek Help if Pain Persists.
  • Summary.
  • Root Canal Toronto.