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Can an egalitarian society exist?

Can an egalitarian society exist?

It follows then that a truly egalitarian society is idealistic and impossible. In fact, for the majority of human history since our emergence as a species 200,000 years ago, people did actually live in egalitarian societies, where sharing and co-operation were the norm.

What was egalitarian society?

In egalitarian societies, all individuals are born equal, and all members of society are said to have a right to equal opportunities. These types of societies are often referred to as classless societies.

Is socialism a form of egalitarianism?

In socialism, social ownership of means of production is sometimes considered to be a form of economic egalitarianism because in an economy characterized by social ownership the surplus product generated by industry would accrue to the population as a whole as opposed to a class of private owners, thereby granting each …

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What is an egalitarian society?

So, an egalitarian society is one where every person is entitled to equal rights, receive equal treatment and opportunities. These societies comprise of groups of people who agree to live together in these societies as egalitarianism as one of their core values.

Is every form of egalitarianism inclusive?

A person cannot claim of being an egalitarian if he only takes into consideration his own society. Thus, it can be said that every form of egalitarianism is inclusive as it is based on a theory of universal human commonality.

What are the different political philosophies that back egalitarianism?

There are several political philosophies that back the theory of egalitarianism to some extent, including communism, socialism, anarchism and Marxism. Most people believe that political influence resides in the hands of a few people, while others argue that a representative democracy is based on political egalitarianism.

Are egalitarians obliged to obey laws they have no equal say in?

Isn’t this the very authoritarian principle that egalitarians reject, by denying that egalitarians are obliged to obey laws they have no equal say in writing and that are written by other people? The answer would be “yes” if the soldiers were conscripted against their will.

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