Tips and tricks

Can an employer accuse you of being on drugs?

Can an employer accuse you of being on drugs?

Employers can accuse you of serious offenses, such as theft, drug use or assaulting another employee. As an employee, you have a right to defend yourself against criminal accusations in order to save your job, or at least your reputation.

Can an employer punish you for something outside of work?

So if the reason for your termination is not illegal under the laws of your state, then yes, your employer can fire you for what you do on your own time, outside of work. As long as the conduct does not present a conflict with the employer’s business, the activity should be allowed.

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Can an employee be fired for drug use?

Addiction is considered to be a disability and, as such, an employee cannot be fired for being addicted to substances such as drugs or alcohol. In fact, employers are required to accommodate employees who suffer from addiction to the point of undue hardship.

Can an employee be fired for actions outside of work?

The bottom line In almost all cases, an employer can legally fire an employee for inappropriate behavior during personal time. The First Amendment doesn’t apply to work and employers have wide latitude to terminate people for things they say and do.

How do you talk to employees about drug and alcohol policy?

Use the guidelines below to focus discussions. Let employees and applicants know that drug and alcohol use on the job, or that affects job performance, is not permitted. Explain why you are establishing the policy (workplace safety, worker health, product quality, productivity, public liability, etc.).

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How do you handle substance abuse in the workplace?

Identify company or community resources where employees with problems can get help. State your concern for family members whose substance abuse could adversely affect the well-being of the employee, the family, and the organization.

Can your boss forbid you from discussing your salary with co-workers?

Forbid You From Discussing Your Salary With Co-Workers Your boss may not want you and your co-workers to compare your salary or benefits, but they can’t prohibit it.

What should a supervisor do if an employee has substance abuse?

Talking to employees about work problems and what needs to be done about them. In order to do their jobs properly, supervisors must: Understand the substance abuse policy. Be able to explain the policy to employees. Know when to take action. Supervisors are not responsible for: Diagnosing substance abuse problems. Treating substance abuse problems.