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Can computers only do what they are programmed to do?

Can computers only do what they are programmed to do?

Obviously, computers can do lots of things. However, all of the things computers do, they do only because we told them to. Anything we want a computer to do must be programmed, and no computer has ever done even one single thing it wasn’t programmed to do.

Can a computer have a mind?

Some experts answer, “Of course a computer can be conscious. The human brain, for instance, is a computer, and it has conscious experiences. So computer consciousness is not just possible, it is commonplace.” But a nonbiological computer, like HAL, could not be conscious, no matter how compelling its utterances.

Do computers have free will?

We may be deterministic, or we may have free will. (Quantum physics can make is unpredictable, but that’s not free will). Now imagine a computer, advanced enough to be equally capable as a human brain, with the means to express itself and act. No, you can’t program it to have free will.

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What are the things that a human can do but a computer Cannot?

Damodar Padhi

  • Listening: I know you will join the chorus, “No, computers do have the ability to listen!” Wait a minute, I said ‘listening’, not ‘hearing’.
  • Empathy: Computers hear things and at best can reproduce what is heard for the humans to hear and interpret statements.
  • Creativity:
  • Organic thinking:
  • Organic feeling:

Are computers thinking Machines?

The term thinking machine (or intelligent machine) refers to a computer or a robot that has human intelligence. A principle formal argument against conscious and thus intelligent machines has been posed by mathematician and physicist Roger Penrose. …

Can an AI have free will?

Looking closer into the essence of AI, there is no doubt it can never have free will. It cannot step outside of the system and decide against the algorithms nor the data it had been given. Unlike AI, human can generate data intentionally or unknowingly.

Do robots have free will?

Robots ultimately lack the intentionality and free will necessary for moral agency, because they can only make morally charged decisions and actions as a result of what they were programmed to do.

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Would an AI have a soul?

AI pioneer Marvin Minsky, of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, thought so. In a 2013 interview with the Jerusalem Post, Minsky said that AI could one day develop a soul, which he defined as “the word we use for each person’s idea of what they are and why”.