
Can Episcopalians be conservative?

Can Episcopalians be conservative?

There are no perfectly seaworthy boats. As long as “The Episcopal Church welcomes you,” it is a fine place to be a conservative, despite the headlines of moral and doctrinal decay. On the contrary, the Episcopal Church is still a reasonable place to be an ideological conservative.

What is different about Episcopalians?

Another difference is that the Episcopal Church – unlike the Catholic Church – rejects the idea of the Bishop of Rome — the Pope — having supreme authority over the Universal Church. They also do not have a centralized authority figure like the Pope is for the Catholics; instead, they have bishops and cardinals.

What are the beliefs of an Episcopalian?

What does the Episcopal Church believe? We Episcopalians believe in a loving, liberating, and life-giving God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

How liberal is Episcopal Church?

According to a 2008 Public Religion Research Institute study, Episcopal clergy are predominantly liberal (66 percent), with far fewer identifying as moderate (13 percent) or conservative (21 percent).

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Do Episcopal priests marry?

Episcopal Church clergy have been allowed to marry since Anglicans came over to the New World. Clerical marriage is quite common and was considered the norm until recent times.

Is Episcopalian liberal or conservative?

The Episcopal Church was active in the Social Gospel movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Since the 1960s and 1970s, the church has pursued a decidedly more liberal course. It has opposed the death penalty and supported the civil rights movement and affirmative action.

Can divorced Episcopalians take communion?

Yes. Can divorced or remarried people receive communion in The Episcopal Church? Yes. The Episcopal Church believes marriage is a sacrament intended to be life-long, but also recognizes circumstances can exist where a divorce is necessary and even healthy.