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Can fire Defeat water?

Can fire Defeat water?

Fire can also evaporate water, but only if it is a large fire or not much water. Fire is known for burning down things like trees and even creatures. When controlled it can help keep warm though, and even when not controlled it can help.

Is water or fire stronger?

Water can be more powerful in its devastation than fire or wind, because it doesn’t always come by the bucketful. When it chooses to, water can over . whelm. Waves can wash away’ shorelines, so that where there was once a house, a pavilion, even whole towns, now there is nothing but the ocean.

Can fire last in water?

Because water cannot burn, fires cannot burn from within water, there is no ready supply of oxygen in a bucket of water (though, of course, there is oxygen in the air above the water) and thus, the water extinguishes the fire.

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Does water react with anything?

Water-reactive substances are those that spontaneously undergo a chemical reaction with water, as they are highly reducing in nature….Reactivity series of metals.

Order of reactivity Metal Reactions with water or steam
Most reactive pottasium k Very vigorous reaction with cold water

What is firewater and why is it important?

Jump to navigation Jump to search. Firewater refers to water that has been used in firefighting and requires disposal. In many cases it is a highly polluting material and requires special care in its disposal. In many fire fighting situations, large quantities of water remain after the fire has been extinguished.

How to deal with highly polluted fire water?

Containment is the most commonly utilized methods of dealing with highly polluted fire-water, one other method would be the use of Water Distribution Networks. A network of Water Distribution systems, that give fire fighters an access to large quantities of water to combat large scale fires.

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How do water distribution systems help in fighting fires?

A network of Water Distribution systems, that give fire fighters an access to large quantities of water to combat large scale fires. This also gives firefighters access to high velocity water flow, which is known to have reduced toxicity and polluted levels.

What happens if you release Firewater into a river?

Releasing contaminated firewater into a river, lake or other body that supplies drinking water may render the untreated supply unsuitable for drinking or food preparation. Managing firewater frequently requires that the water be contained on the site until removed from a specialized treat statement.