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Can Force users manipulate the elements?

Can Force users manipulate the elements?

In Legends, yes, absolutely. Alter Environment was a Force power that involves various techniques that allow the user to manipulate nature, enabling the creation of phenomena such as Force whirlwinds or fog that can be used to attack or to shield the user from opponents.

Can Force users create fire?

Pyrokinesis was a Force power that allowed a Force-user to manipulate and generate fire by rubbing and heating up air molecules together. Leia Organa Solo also demonstrated the ability to generate fire, as shown when she lit several candles through the force—commenting that Luke Skywalker had taught her how to do so.

Do the Jedi and the Sith use the force?

Both the Jedi and the Sith use the Force, but for drastically different purposes. Here are some things that both sides can and can’t do. The Star Wars universe is bound together by the Force. The mystical energy field is created by all living things and its power can be used by those who are Force-sensitive enough to harness it.

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How do Jedi use their light side powers?

A Jedi can fire blasts of light side energy at an opponent, weakening their connection to the dark side, giving them a huge advantage. For a more extreme use of the power, we need look no further than bearded dinosaur-like Jedi Master Thon, who cleansed the planet of Ambria and trapped the dark spirits beneath a lake with it.

Are relationships allowed in the Jedi Order?

To be part of the Jedi Order, you have to forgo any personal relationships so as to not breed attachment.. As the Code of the Sith is an inversion of the Jedi Code, nothing is off the table. It’s not that relationship are encouraged or anything, but the Sith could engage in relationships if they so wished.

Why didn’t the Jedi use the Death Eater in the legends?

As it’s purely an offensive power designed to hurt, many Jedi believed it to be an inherently evil ability and banned its use. In Legends, however, there are a few Jedi who used it, including Kyle Katarn and Galen Marek aka Starkiller.