Can hotels disclose Guest information in India?

Can hotels disclose Guest information in India?

Currently, all hotels in India use a manual register with over 20 fields to record the details of guests who check in. This data is later shared by hotels with the police authorities as mandated by the law.

Do hotels Check guests ID?

It helps prevent fraud and identity misuse. It ensures age verification of whoever is renting the room (some hotels [or hotel chains] have a policy of not renting to someone under a specific age). This also ensures said guests are not allowed to rent rooms from that hotel/chain anymore if deemed necessary.

Why do we need to know and verify our guest identity?

By providing your identification info, you help build trust in the community. That’s why, before booking a stay or experience, or becoming a Host, we may ask for a government ID or have you confirm your legal name and add your address.

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Why is hotel guest confidentiality important?

What exactly is hotel guest confidentiality? From a communications standpoint, it can involve providing secure WiFi, monitoring hotel areas to prevent trespassers and theft, and providing communications tools so staff can easily communicate across the property and respond to guest requests.

How do hotels protect guest information?

5 Tips to Protect Hotel Customer Data

  1. Be transparent. The more you communicate with hotel guests about your collection and use of their information, the more trust they will place in you.
  2. Employee training.
  3. Restrict access to sensitive information.
  4. Never sell information.
  5. Work with an MSP.

What id do you need to check in a hotel?

All hotels insist on photo-identify cards issued by the government, for all the guests checking in, except for the children.. Acceptable IDs are: Aadhar Card, Driver License, Passport, Voter Id, or any other ID with your photo and full address, issued by the government..

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Do I need a photo ID to stay at the hotel?

According to government regulations, a valid Photo ID has to be carried by every person above the age of 18 staying at the hotel. The identification proofs accepted are Drivers License, Voters Card, Passport, Ration Card.

Do Hotels accept PAN card as a proof of marriage?

Acceptable IDs are: Aadhar Card, Driver License, Passport, Voter Id, or any other ID with your photo and full address, issued by the government.. Some hotels do not accept PAN card as ID proof. It is not required to show any marriage proof whatsoever..

Can I stay in a hotel without a PAN card?

Some hotels do not accept PAN card as ID proof. It is not required to show any marriage proof whatsoever.. Hotels reserve the rights to deny admission to guests without a valid photo id, despite having a paid online booking..