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Can I be a shy Slytherin?

Can I be a shy Slytherin?

Can I be introverted and shy, while belonging to a house that prides itself on ambition and confidence? It is also fine to be introverted (a lot of us here are). Slytherins have something called self-preservation. It means we hesitate before we act so to access the situation.

Can slytherins be quiet?

There are a few quiet Slytherins, of course — muggleborns who didn’t know the about stigma against Slytherin house before they were Sorted. They don’t heckle or insult, but they also never attempt to socialize outside their house, probably because they don’t like the rest of you.

What personality does Slytherin have?

The traits that get you placed into Slytherin are ambition, resourcefulness, determination, and cleverness. An association with villainous characters and elitism has given Slytherin the reputation of being an evil house. Hogwarts houses, however, no longer signify just a fictional construct in a beloved series.

How do I get into Slytherin House?

Entrance. There is a door on the right side of the Entrance Hall (if coming down the marble staircase facing the front doors of the castle) that is most frequently used by Slytherin students to get to their common room. Behind the door is a set of stone steps which descend deep into the dungeons.

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What are the characteristics of Slytherin?

With traits like intelligence, resourcefulness, loyalty, determination, cunning and ambition in our arsenal, you can’t really fail. A key thing about Slytherins is that while some people misunderstand us, we know we’re the best. We are exceedingly proud to be in the house we are in.

Why do people hate Slytherin so much?

Slytherin is notorious for being the “black sheep” of all the houses. Often people disregard Slytherins and their accomplishments because of the house’s dark past. Sometimes people do not realize how well-rounded of a house Slytherin is and assume we are all just mean people.

Do you feel like an outcast if you are in Slytherin?

And if you happen to be in Slytherin, you may feel like an outcast for being placed in this house. Slytherin is notorious for being the “black sheep” of all the houses. Often people disregard Slytherins and their accomplishments because of the house’s dark past.

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Why is Slytherin the best house in Hogwarts?

While Slytherin is mainly known for determination the house also possesses more traits of the other houses than the other houses have traits of other houses (if that makes any sense), showing that it has the most traits, therefore is the best.