
Can I be an INTJ If I procrastinate?

Can I be an INTJ If I procrastinate?

INTJs are often excellent at motivating themselves, but even the most focused person can struggle with procrastination at times. Sometimes INTJs can procrastinate or struggle to get things done, simply because they have taken on too many things at once.

Are INTJs distracted?

INTJs are actually rather focused people, and rarely become distracted unless they want to. While INTJs are capable of focusing on one thing without distractions, it is usually only something that they find interesting. INTJs can become easily bored by people who talk too much, or by shallow meaningless topics.

Why do we procrastinate at work?

Essentially, there are 5 reasons behind procrastination. See if you can identify with any of these in your own work life. Procrastination is sometimes a subconscious fear of failure. If you put off a task enough then you can’t face up to the potential (and usually imagined) negative results.

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Are You a chronic procrastinator?

It’s perfectly normal to put off a task occasionally when you are not looking forward to beginning a project. However, 20 percent of people are chronic procrastinators. If you wait until the last moment to start almost any project or are chronically late to appointments, chances are you procrastinate.

Do you procrastinate when filing your income taxes?

They delay at home, work, school and in relationships. These 20 percent make procrastination their way of life, so of course they procrastinate when filing their income taxes. We are a nation of “doers” but we are also, like people from other industrialized nations, a people of “waiters.”

Is procrastination a stumbling block to success?

Procrastination doesn’t have to be a stumbling block. Once you identify the underlying cause of your procrastination, it is much more manageable than looking at the big picture. It takes a small shift in your way of thinking in order to get your head in the game and back on the track to success.