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Can I call the police if my ex is harassing me?

Can I call the police if my ex is harassing me?

If you are experiencing stalking or harassment from a partner or ex-partner, you can report this to the police. Domestic abuse is a crime, when a partner or ex-partner does things which are likely to cause you physical or psychological harm.

What is considered harassment from an ex UK?

What is harassment? The law states that harassment is when a person behaves in a way which is intended to cause you distress or alarm. The behaviour must happen on more than one occasion. It can be the same type of behaviour or different types of behaviour on each occasion.

How do I report someone to Interpol?

Agency Details

  1. Website: U.S. National Central Bureau – Interpol.
  2. Contact: Contact the U.S. National Central Bureau – Interpol-Washington.
  3. Phone Number: 1-202-616-9000.

What should I do if my partner’s ex-boyfriend is harassing me?

If the harassment from your partner’s ex is making you fear for your life or your safety, contact the police immediately. Otherwise, there may be ways that you can work with your partner and your partner’s ex to end the harassment. Talk to your partner.

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Is pestering Your Ex considered harassment?

Threats of abuse can be just as harmful emotionally. They can be expressed or simply implied. Pestering may just be repeated calls or emails to you. If your ex is simply calling you often to find out what you are thinking about them, it may not constitute harassment yet.

Should I go to the police for my partner’s harassment?

For example, if your partner’s ex has prior assault charges or similar brushes with the law stemming from similar harassment circumstances, you may want to go to the police sooner rather than later.

How can I get my partner’s ex to stop contacting me?

Get a restraining order. If you simply want your partner’s ex to leave you alone and stop contacting you, it may help to get a civil restraining order against them. Because the specific procedure varies, contact the clerk at your local courthouse to find out how to proceed.