Tips and tricks

Can I do MMA and gym together?

Can I do MMA and gym together?

If you’re doing the MMA and bodybuilding just for fun, then you’ll be fine. But if you’re hoping to do either/both of them professionally, I would highly recommend that you do this – either pick one and give it your all, ditching the other – or – do both, but prioritize one above the other.

When should you train for MMA?

Three times a week is the minimum frequency at which you should train. The amount of time you train also depends on what stage in your MMA career you are in. For beginners, three times a week is a good starting point to get acclimated to the physicality, but more experienced fighters train more.

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How long does it take to get fit for MMA?

After 4-5 years of consistent practice and training or a solid brown belt in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, you should be good enough to turn pro. If you are good enough and you’re an exciting fighter you may be considered or get the chance of being signed by one of the major MMA promotion companies such as Fight to fame or UFC.

How to choose the right gym for MMA training?

Given the amount of MMA schools emerging world-wide, finding the right gym can be a difficult decision. A reputable instructor with a strong competition team is always a good sign. Gym culture should also impact your choice.

What factors determine BJJ and MMA gym membership cost?

Gym accessibility will also factor into BJJ and MMA gym membership cost. Many BJJ and MMA academies may also own other affiliate gyms or else be part of a wider network of gyms. In some cases your membership of your academy may allow you to also train at another location. Nice facilities do not necessarily mean that it is a good gym.

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What should I wear to my first MMA class?

Although most loose-fitting clothing works, many fighters prefer to wear rash guards and spats under their shorts during MMA classes as the fabric can defend against matt-burn and scratches. Most gyms have extra gloves, boxing gloves and shin-pads for beginners, but it’s recommended to check in before-hand with the gym and ask.

How does Mma make you a better fighter?

Fighting inside a gym is one thing, fighting outside is entirely different. So while you should seek to always diffuse a situation, if push comes to shove you’ll be ready. Another important aspect of martial arts is the mentality that fighters develop. You build the mindset of a warrior through MMA.