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Can I get a bearded dragon if I have cats?

Can I get a bearded dragon if I have cats?

We have good news for you: Cats and bearded dragons typically get along very well! All it takes is a little preparation and patience on your part, and in no time the two will start to bond.

Will a cat stress out a bearded dragon?

Do cats stress out bearded dragons? Bearded dragons are mild and tolerant, so the average adult cat will not stress them out. Cats also easily get bored with toys and prey that aren’t very active, so will likely only be interested in the enclosure when the animals are first introduced, especially if the cat is older.

Do cats and reptiles get along?

There is no possibility of social harmony between cats and the above species. Reptiles should be housed alone and cats should be protected from them. Larger constrictor snakes can easily kill cats. Reptiles, like iguanas, have sharp teeth and can be very aggressive.

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What happens if a bearded dragon bites a cat?

Bearded dragons teeth can easily cut into flesh and draw blood. Any bites to your cat should get the attention of your vet.

How do cats react to lizards?

Cats are particularly attracted to lizards. The lost appendage, however, continues to move, and thus the cat continues the chase. Once he has captured his prey it is very difficult to take it away, due to his primitive hunting instinct. Often the cat brings home some things from his hunting session, like trophies.

Should I let my cat play with a lizard?

Toxic Lizards However, since these lizards have enough venom to kill a dog or cat, keep your pet from trying to play or fight with them. As for the common gecko, though neither poisonous nor venomous, they carry liver flukes that could seriously harm your cat.

Will my cat attack my bearded dragon?

Cats are playful, persistent hunters. That can make it difficult to pair them with other animals, especially if the new pet is smaller. Docile, easy-going, and friendly, bearded dragons are a much-loved pet. However, it’s also a kind of lizard, and cats are known to hunt them. That can leave you afraid that your cat will attack your bearded dragon.

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Are bearded dragons good pets for new owners?

Especially for new reptile owners, bearded dragons make excellent companions and pets. Their behavior – Friendly and curious, bearded dragons bask in your attention. You might get an unintentional scratch from their nails, which can be hard to trim. However, beardies are generally easygoing. Especially if you handle them gently, they rarely bite.

Can You litter train a bearded dragon?

Although some people have managed to do it, litter training a bearded dragon is not always easy. The simplest way to reduce odors is to clean up the poop as soon as you see it. A healthy adult beardie might poop as much as once a day, and unfortunately, their tails and feet can get messy.

Can a cat and a dragon get along?

Yes, but it’s easier if the cat is a kitten when introduced to an adult dragon and the kitten always taught to be gentle. Cuddle them together and never let the kitten pounce.