
Can I marry a woman with diabetes?

Can I marry a woman with diabetes?

Yes, we can. The constant stress and fear only add to the physical and psychological pressure that diabetes already imposes on patients. As a society, we can help patients reduce this ‘added stress’ by breaking these stereotypes and misconceptions, and instead offering support to women with this condition.

Does diabetes affect marriage?

Onset of diabetes before 9 yr was associated with a significantly higher marriage rate than later onset of diabetes. Although onset of the disease after age 13 yr was more often associated with a decision to remain childless compared with earlier onset, this difference was not significant.

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Is diabetes transferable from wife to husband?

No, you can’t. It’s impossible to get diabetes from another person. Diabetes is a disease that develops inside the body in some people who have the genes for it. Scientists haven’t yet pinpointed exactly what causes diabetes, but they do know it’s not contagious.

Should I date diabetic person?

4. Don’t make it all about diabetes. By all means be open about your condition, but don’t dwell on it. Reminding your date every five minutes that you have diabetes, or that your blood sugar isn’t under control, or that your hands are tingling because you’ve got nerve damage may cause them to lose interest.

Can a man with type 2 diabetes get a woman pregnant?

TYPE 2 Diabetes occurs when there is insufficient production of insulin in our body. It is most common than TYPE 1 Diabetes. However, you would be able to control it by exercising regularly and taking a balanced meal. If men have full control over it, they can easily impregnate their partner without any treatment.

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Can I get pregnant while my husband has type 2 diabetes?

How can I help my husband with diabetes?

If your partner has diabetes, the following positive actions can be helpful:

  1. Take an interest in your partner’s diabetes – but let him/her be in control.
  2. Suggest ideas.
  3. Allow your partner time for managing diabetes.
  4. Be prepared for mood changes.
  5. Discuss any problems with your sex life.
  6. Discuss your feelings.

What do I do if my partner has diabetes?

Is it safe to date someone with diabetes?

As has already been mentioned, diabetes is not contagious. So you are “safe” from the person you are considering as a partner. Type 1 Diabetes appears to have a genetic connection ( Genetics of Type 1 Diabetes ). If you marry a diabetic and then have children, there is an increased chance of your children also developing diabetes.

Should I marry a girl with Type 1 diabetes?

FYI, There is no occurrence of Type 1 diabetes in my entire family. Go ahead and marry her, if you feel that she would make a good life partner and that you can support her. Heck, why are you even asking for other’s opinions. It’s not a poll, it’s your life afterall. PS.

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What should I do if my wife has diabetes?

When one spouse has diabetes, the other spouse has to live with it. That is what marriage is about. You, the non-diabetic, need to be supportive to your wife. Maybe she has decided to follow a restricted diet. As a good spouse, guess what you are going to be eating, at least any time you are at home?

Is it possible to become diabetic as a bride?

A perfectly healthy bride could become diabetic or you youself, God forbid, may become diabetic any time!