Tips and tricks

Can I use my phone for photography?

Can I use my phone for photography?

Having a camera phone with you is often all the second camera you’ll need, you can do a lot with it. You don’t want to move your main camera, but a Smartphone photo will work. Less intimidating: In street photography, a Smartphone is smaller and less intimidating.

What apps do you need as photography?

Best Photography Apps

  1. The Photographer’s Ephemeris. iOS and Android. $8.99.
  2. Google Earth. iOS and Android. Free.
  3. Scene Scout. iOS and Android. Free.
  4. Pocket Light Meter. iOS and Android. Free.
  5. VSCO. iOS and Android. Free.
  6. Facetune. iOS and Android. $3.99.
  7. Lightroom Mobile. iOS and Android. Free.
  8. Instagram. iOS and Android. Free.

What is the best photo shoot app?

Top 20 Android Apps For Photo Shooting, Editing And Sharing

  • Photo Editor (Aviary) The Photo Editor by Aviary is a comprehensive photo editing app on which you can do just about anything you desire.
  • PicSay Pro.
  • Vignette.
  • Adobe Photoshop Touch.
  • Snapseed.
  • Camera360 Ultimate.
  • Pro HDR Camera.
  • ProCapture.
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Where can I post photos?

The best photo storage and sharing sites today

  1. Flickr. The best photo storage service overall.
  2. 500px. Photo storage for pro photographers.
  3. Google Photos. The best photo storage option for backing up photos from your smartphone.
  4. Amazon Prime Photos.
  5. Apple iCloud.
  6. Adobe Portfolio.
  7. ImageShack.
  8. Photobucket.

Do you need a smartphone for Web Photography?

One situation where a smartphone is helpful is having web images immediately. No resizing needed. Using Facebook, a blog post or dedicated website photo, your images will be around 700px. This is where your 22MP DSLR, 16MP Mirrorless or 12MP phone images all become reduced to the same size.

How do you promote a mobile photography business?

Design an attractive business card or brochure with easy to read contact information, including your website address. Promote your mobile photography business by networking. Contact businesses that might spread the word about your services, such as hospitals, veterinarian’s offices or framing shops.

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How do I take good pictures with my smartphone camera?

But be sure you tap the screen of your smartphone to focus the camera on your subject — that’ll help to ensure that it’s focused and the lighting is optimized. Pro Tip: Once you’ve taken your photo, you can use filters and apps to make the subject even more vivid, or to crop it to frame the subject correctly.

How to start photography for beginners?

Starting Photography: a Beginner’s Guide. 1 Step 1: Cameras. There are a wide variety of cameras in today’s world. You should choose which one you are going to use before delving into the 2 Step 2: Lenses. 3 Step 3: Filters. 4 Step 4: Stabilizers. 5 Step 5: Using Your DSLR.