Tips and tricks

Can Indian writers get paid on Medium?

Can Indian writers get paid on Medium?

Can Indian writers earn money from Medium? I’ve been hit by this question a dozen times since the new Medium Partner Program was rolled out last month. So, the short answer to this question — No, not in a traditional sort of way, at least!

Is Stripe available in India for Medium?

Please note: while Stripe may have countries that are available in beta or preview mode (such as India and Brazil), Medium is currently unable to fully support these countries. Requires either SMS or the Google Authenticator app for Two Factor Authorization. The account can be managed through the Stripe Dashboard.

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How can I earn money from Medium in India?

How to Earn Money from Medium in India | Medium Partner Program

  1. What is Medium Partner Program.
  2. Enroll to the Medium Partner Program.
  3. Make More Stories.
  4. Earn Money on your engagement.
  5. Step 1 : Go to Payooner and create an account.
  6. Step 2 : Choose Options according to you.

Is Stripe account available in India?

Stripe currently supports any business entity based in India that is a Company, Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) or Sole Proprietorship (for both domestic payments and exports) or Individual (for domestic only, international transactions are not supported for individual).

Why is there no Stripe in India?

Through its Partner Program, Medium pays the writers. However, to join their Partner Program, one needs to have a Stripe account through which Medium pays them. Since Stripe wasn’t available in India, Indian writers couldn’t join the Medium Partner Program and earn money for their work.

Why doesn’t medium pay Indian writers who use stripe?

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It basically says that the Stripe integration that their Partner Program uses is limited in India and Medium can’t pay the Indian writers until Stripe changes that. Interestingly, if you activated your Stripe account, connected with Medium and made some money from your articles, Medium will clear that sum through PayPal.

Is it possible to write on medium in India?

Now medium is open to India through Stripe payment and if you want to use the platform, you can do it for these advantages. The Medium Partnership Program is now eligible for Indian writers too. Writing by itself is always helpful. There is an audience and community for each type of writing.

Why is stripe not available in India?

Since Stripe wasn’t available in India, Indian writers couldn’t join the Medium Partner Program and earn money for their work. And Medium doesn’t support PayPal. Now that’s changing.

Is medium open in India through stripe payment?

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No little information is useless. Somewhere the search is always On. Now medium is open to India through Stripe payment and if you want to use the platform, you can do it for these advantages. Genuine ideas and lessons from author’s life is the speciality of medium.