
Can Jindo dogs be left alone?

Can Jindo dogs be left alone?

Jindos should not frequently be left alone at any age, although they are less likely to be destructive once they are trained. The Jindo are a social breed that will become lonely, bored, and even depressed if lacking contact with their owners. These dogs make great apartment-dwellers.

Is Jindo a good family dog?

Jindos are incredibly loyal and loving to the people they know and love, not just their owners. But a correct Jindo temperament means that they will ignore or avoid attention from strangers. They are quiet. Some dogs yap or bark for attention.

Do Jindos need haircuts?

The Jindo is a seasonal shedder and will shed very heavily twice a year, usually in the spring and fall. During heavy shedding, the Jindo needs to be groomed every day and given weekly warm baths to help the hair come out quicker. Use a comb, pin brush and deshedder when grooming during times of heavy shedding.

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Do Jindo dogs bark a lot?

Jindos are very territorial dogs. A Jindo rarely barks without cause, but when he/she does, the bark is deep and penetratingly loud. They have a highly developed sense of territory and will defend it tenaciously from intruders. They do not need to be chained or trained to bring this defensiveness out.

How do you train a Jindo puppy?

Jindo dogs are very intelligent and will pick up on routines quickly. This can come in handy when training them to accompany you on different adventures. Use positive reinforcement (or healthy negative reinforcement) in succession within a routine will help them stay regular in these tasks.

How long can Jindos hold their pee?

As a general rule they can hold it for one hour for every month of their age. A two month old puppy can hold their bladder for two months. Sticking to the routine will help get your house trained quicker, but accidents will happen while you are training your dog.

How do you socialize a Jindo?

Start with the members of your household first and gradually introduce strangers. Take them for walks and gradually go to more crowded places, let them smell new things and explore their environment at their pace. Make sure that they have had all of their vaccinations before introducing them to new dogs.

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How many times should you walk a Jindo?

Is Great for Loosing Weight and Staying Fit: Jindos need daily exercise and a minimum of one 30 minute walk or run per day. Taking different routes helps a Jindo to fulfill their instinctual need to expand their territory.

How long does a Jindo shed for?

From what I have read, shedding can take anywhere from three weeks to two months.

How do you wash a Jindo?

Tips for Bathing Your Jindo

  1. Use tools to help.
  2. Get wet with them.
  3. Start with lukewarm or cool water.
  4. Be noise conscious.
  5. Use all of your positive behavioral queues.
  6. Use food motivation.
  7. Expose your Jindo to you and other dogs being wet, bathing, and water in general with random rewards.
  8. Don’t use scented shampoo.

How long should you walk a Jindo?

Jindo dogs are well adapted to domestic life. They are happy going on 10-30 minute walks multiple times a day, and enjoy a regular exercise schedule. This makes them excellent apartment dogs, as long as they get outside to expand and explore their territory every day.

Are Jindos cuddly?

Jindos are often aloof towards people and are not the most affectionate dogs.

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How do you take care of a Jindo?

Meticulously clean by nature, the Jindo has a double dirt- and water-repellant coat that requires nothing more than weekly brushing and the occasional bath. Otherwise, he naturally, not to mention meticulously, grooms himself.

What kind of training does a Jindo Dog need?

Athletic and energetic, the Jindo requires a substantial amount of physical and mental stimulation and excels at dog sports such as lure coursing and agility. Proper socialization and training are a must for this fastidious breed.

How do I get my Jindo to exercise?

A few exercise ideas: When indoors, it’s a good idea to give your Jindo access to one or more balls or toys that will allow the dog to burn excess energy. It’s also recommended that you establish a regular exercise schedule for the dog, such a walks, jogs, or bike rides after breakfast and dinner and a play period in the afternoon.

Are there any American Jindo Breeders?

Many American Jindo breeders rely on the breed standards set by the Fédération Cynologique Internationale (FCI). Like the Akita, American Eskimo Dog, Chow Chow, Siberian Husky and other dog breeds with a wolflike appearance, the Korean Jindo is a Spitz breed.