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Can modern technology replace books?

Can modern technology replace books?

Technological devices should not replace books because technology devices can cause health problems, it also expensive, and books improve learning much more than technology. Technological devices can cause headaches, dry eye, eye strain, and blurred vision, according to the American optometric Association.

Does the internet replace books?

And even though the Internet provides consumers with a much larger selection of books than is available in any one bookstore, it will never replace the bookstore where the reader can browse to his heart’s content and now even settle down in an easy chair and read a book until closing time.

Can new technology replace reading?

Yes because… Digital publications are the next technological step and so if the pattern is uniform, they will also replace the last step almost entirely.

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Why computers Cannot replace books?

Eating and reading is always a great combination and with an electronic device in hand, sometimes it gets difficult to do both. Ebooks can’t be owned and kept for record. Ebook files can easily be deleted from an electronic device. The concentration span is more while reading a printed book.

Will newspapers and books disappear as a result of the Internet?

However, though newspapers may not disappear completely, the Internet is likely to become the more dominant source of news over time. In conclusion, although newspapers remain popular today, they will gradually be replaced by the desire to read the news through electronic sources.

Do you think that modern technology such as Internet and computer will ever replace the books as the main source of information express in your own words?

So books will never ever be replaced even if there are lots of people using the cyberspace. This is due to the fact that books are the main tool of education and are commonly used for our leisure time. In fact, books have been with us for many thousands of years and usually used for our enjoyment purposes.

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Should books be replaced by laptops?

The most appropriate substitute of textbooks is laptops, tablets and notebooks which are compact, light and are easy in use. They can have up to date information, furthermore, using laptops is far more convenient than buying costly books. Students can do their homework’s and assignments on one single device.

Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete?

Do you think that the internet and television will eventually make books obsolete? – Quora. No. Never. We have printed word going back to the dawn of man.

How is technology better than books?

Instruction that is technology-based can reduce the amount of time it takes students to reach new learning objectives by as much as 80\%. They also tend to read more books when provided electronically.

Can we replace book with mobile?

Speaking further Deka said, “Books can never be replaced by mobile phones and social media as people still rely on books for authentic information.” …

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Can a computer replace a book?

Computer can never be replaced by a Book. A computer can never replace a book. The convenience and conviction offered by a book can never be possible through a computer. Moreover being a machine it is liable to breakdown whereas error factors are nonexistent while we read a book.

Can technology replace the book in India?

Technology can never replace the book. . Technology or computer is not even known in the rural areas. India is not so far developed to reach the technology in rular areas. Kids cannot study from computer. They need books to study. Books can be easily carried from one place to another.

Is the Internet replacing the book industry?

Rather than replace books, the Internet is now being used by distributors like Amazon and Barnes and Noble to sell more and more books to consumers on a global scale.

Are hardcover books being replaced by e-books?

With the invention of kindle, hardcover books are being replaced by e-books. It’s of no doubt that e-books are way flexible and easy to carry but the somewhere the e-books lag behind the hardcover books to me.