Tips and tricks

Can plants feel pain vegan?

Can plants feel pain vegan?

If something hurts humans, we react instinctually to it—“fight or flight”—as do other animals. But plants don’t have that ability—nor do they have nervous systems or brains—so they may have no biological need to feel pain.

Is plant cruelty a thing?

Plants aren’t inanimate objects — just like animals, they are living, breathing things too. But since plants don’t seem to make a sound when they are plucked, cooked, popped into the mouth and chewed, the foam-in-the-mouth “animal rights” defenders think (so conveniently) that there is no cruelty in eating plants.

What do vegans do about flies?

Some vegans won’t kill any insects. Some vegans will kill insects that suck their blood or may cause some form of harm. I generally try to remove the insect – saying “shoo fly!” to flies works really well…) but sometimes – depending on moods and how irritating said insect is – I will remove by any means possible.

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Can vegans eat plants?

While plants can respond to damage to their cells, they do not feel pain the same way animals do. They are not sentient beings. Additionally, a vegan still needs to be able to survive. If a vegan could not eat plants then their diet would not be viable.

Do plants feel pain and suffer when vegans don’t eat meat?

Livestock eat far more plants than we do, therefore by not eating meat/dairy/eggs, vegans are reducing the demand for livestock and therefore reducing the consumption of plant matter by said livestock. So even if plants did feel pain and suffer, vegans would be reducing that suffering by not eating meat/dairy/eggs.

What does it mean to be vegan?

A vegan does not eat or use animal products for health and ethical reasons. Animals as stated previously have complex nervous systems and are capable of suffering. While plants can respond to damage to their cells, they do not feel pain the same way animals do.

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Do vegans reduce the demand for livestock?

4) Let’s apply logic: Let’s say plants feel pain for the sake of argument. Livestock eat far more plants than we do, therefore by not eating meat/dairy/eggs, vegans are reducing the demand for livestock and therefore reducing the consumption of plant matter by said livestock.