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Can someone forgive but not forget?

Can someone forgive but not forget?

You can still forgive someone even if reconciling is not in your best interest. Forgiveness without forgetting means you let go of your emotions of anger and bitterness, yet you remember that your friend was untrustworthy. You may or may not decide to reconcile with that person.

Is forgiveness the same as forgetting?

What do forgiveness and forgetting really mean? According to the Oxford Dictionary, the number one definition for forgiveness is to “stop feeling angry or resentful towards (someone) for an offense, flaw, or mistake.” And to forget is to: “fail to remember.”

Who said words can be forgiven but not forgotten?

Carl Sandburg
“Be careful with your words, once they are are said, they can only be forgiven, not forgotten. “— Carl Sandburg.

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What it means to forgive and forget?

Both pardon and hold no resentment concerning a past event. For example, After Meg and Mary decided to forgive and forget their differences, they became good friends. This phrase dates from the 1300s and was a proverb by the mid-1500s. For a synonym, see let bygones be bygones.

Does forgiveness mean trust?

Simply put, forgiveness is a gift you give yourself. It sets you free from the bitterness and hurt you’re feeling inside. On the other hand, Trust is not the same as forgiveness. Trust requires consistent action by the offender in order for trust to be granted.

Can you forgive a person but not trust them?

People have been hurt, and they do one of two things. Either they confront the other person about something that has happened, the other person says he’s sorry, and they forgive, open themselves up again, and blindly trust. Forgiveness is not holding something someone has done against you. It is letting it go.

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Is it possible to forgive someone you never forget?

According to the experts I spoke to, it is possible. Hard, yes, but possible all the same. In most situations, it may be easier to forgive than to forget, though neither one is really a simple task.

What does it mean to forget someone?

“Forgetting means we no longer torture ourselves by replaying the negative events of our lives.” If you can’t seem to find it in yourself to forgive and forget someone who has done you wrong, that…

What does forgiveness mean to you?

For some people, forgiving is a way of freeing themselves, and it acts as a catalyst for healing. They are able to honestly say and mean the words, and for them, this made their lives better. However, others can’t bring themselves to forgive as they don’t feel that it brings them any relief.

Why does forgiveness truly elude some people?

Though many find a way to move forward in life, forgiveness truly eludes them. This does not make them bad people. This just means that it is not healing for them at this time. It may be surprising to learn how many people will pressure survivors to forgive a perpetrator.