Tips and tricks

Can someone with a learning disability have a relationship?

Can someone with a learning disability have a relationship?

Most people with intellectual disability can have rewarding personal relationships. However, some may need additional support to develop relationships, explore and express their sexuality, and access sexual health information and services.

How does a learning disability affect you socially?

Due to the difficulty of communication and the need for consistency and structure, people with learning disabilities and/or autism are most at risk of social isolation, increased anxiety, and mental health issues.

What is psychological incapacity in annulment?

The new ruling defines psychological incapacity as “a personal condition that prevents a spouse to comply with fundamental marital obligations only in relation to a specific partner that may exist at the time of the marriage but may have revealed through behavior subsequent to the ceremonies.”

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Do disabled people date non-disabled people?

Research by the charity Scope found that only 7\% of non-disabled people have dated a disabled person, while disabled young people are let down when it comes to sex education, often receiving none at all, or nothing appropriate to their needs.

What is a disdisabled person?

Disabled people are the experts in living in our own bodies and navigating our own conditions. If you have a genuine suggestion, ask first if they want to hear it. If the answer is no, learn to accept and respect that your disabled friend really does know best.”

Is it ‘special’ to have a disability?

People aren’t even comfortable saying the word ‘disabled,’ instead choosing to say ‘handicapable,’ or ‘differently abled.’ People also often use words like ‘special needs’ to describe people with developmental disabilities such as autism or Down syndrome. But ‘special’ would be if I always needed to eat dragon eggs for breakfast.

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Are one in five people disabled when it comes to sex?

One in five people are disabled. Add people with health conditions that affect sex life (for example, erectile dysfunction), people who are adapting sex to their naturally ageing bodies and … suddenly you’re talking about a lot of people who don’t fit the mould.