Tips and tricks

What do we not know about spiders?

What do we not know about spiders?

Often mistaken for insects, spiders are actually arachnids. They have eight legs – not six like all insects – and they lack antennae. Spiders belong to the arthropod family of animals. Spiders have chelicerae, which is a fancy scientific word to describe their mouthparts.

What is the scariest thing about spiders?

33 Totally Creepy Facts About Spiders That Will Give You…

  • Spiders can prey on bats, too.
  • Climate change is making spiders bigger.
  • The world’s oldest spider lived to be 43.
  • Female spiders will sacrifice themselves for their young.
  • Spiders’ brains are huge.
  • Some spiders look like ants.
  • Spiders are not insects.

What cool things can spiders do?

Here are eight things spiders can do that you’ve probably never heard of:

  • Some spiders eat their mates during copulation.
  • Spiders can be romantic.
  • Spiders, as a species, have been around much longer than humans.
  • Ancient spiders could grow to be enormous.
  • Spiders can’t breathe harder.
  • Spiders can be milked.
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Do spiders have teeth?

Spiders have no teeth, but they have two fangs, which are sometimes confused for teeth. Instead of using teeth, spiders use their fangs to insert venom into their target. With their fangs, they effectively replace their teeth and make it easier for themselves to consume their targets.

Do spiders really have 8 bums?

It’s a less-known fact that spiders also have eight bums, which is both disgusting and messy and also costs spiders loads of money in toilet roll.

Why are spiders creepy?

Arachnophobes report the “leginess” and “sudden movement” of spiders as what scares them the most. Their creepy looks may freak us out because our brains can’t predict their quick erratic movement. A fear of spiders may have evolved to help early humans survive. A fear of spiders could also be a cultural.