
Can someone with BPD be friends with someone with BPD?

Can someone with BPD be friends with someone with BPD?

It requires assertive communication skills and sufficient self-awareness to understand when it is time to pull back a bit. However, it is possible to have a long-term, rewarding friendship with someone with BPD if you work at it.

Is it bad for two people with BPD to be friends?

For friends, family members, and potential partners of someone with BPD, these emotional peaks and valleys may seem chaotic, which can lead to intense, conflict-filled relationships.

Do people with BPD become friends?

He believes that people with BPD absolutely can maintain fulfilling and healthy friendships with others. ‘Most people with BPD will know what triggers them, and if they are in acceptance of the condition, will generally understand what sort of situations or conversations might trigger negative thoughts and emotions.

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Can you have a friendship with someone with borderline personality disorder?

Friendships with someone with Borderline Personality Disorder can be emotionally trying on you, so knowing how to handle a friend who has BPD is vital to maintaining an important relationship.

What does it feel like to be loved by a borderline?

If you are loved by a borderline, then you are loved by someone who would do anything for you. This love can be unhealthy is left unchecked and painful if abandonment occurs. I would fly around the world in a second for my friends (I’ve been known to spontaneously travel days just to see people).

Is it healthy to validate a borderline friend 24/7?

While it probably isn’t healthy to validate 24/7, I believe the best thing you can do for a borderline friend is send them an unsolicited text everyone once in a while to tell them you love them or are thinking about them.

Is it possible to have a friendship with a BPD/sociopath?

Anything is possible, but the more likely outcome for most BPD/sociopath friendships is that after a while, the borderline would demonize the lack of empathy or emotional availability and lose touch with the sociopath.