
Can someone with Down syndrome become a doctor?

Can someone with Down syndrome become a doctor?

Karen Gaffney became the first living person with Down syndrome to receive an honorary doctorate degree when she received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the University of Portland on May 5, 2013, for her work in raising awareness regarding the abilities of people who have Down syndrome.

What kind of doctor works with Down syndrome?

For optimal health care, families may wish to locate a developmental pediatrician, a specialist knowledgeable about Down syndrome or a Down syndrome clinic. These specialists can work with the primary care physician.

What limitations does a person with Down syndrome have?

Long-term (chronic) constipation problems. Sleep apnea (because the mouth, throat, and airway are narrowed in children with Down syndrome) Teeth that appear later than normal and in a location that may cause problems with chewing. Underactive thyroid (hypothyroidism)

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Are there any advantages to Down syndrome?

Some research on parental adjustment supports the Down syndrome advantage with evidence that mothers of young adults with Down syndrome experience less depression and more positive impact than do mothers of young adults with other developmental disabilities (Blacher & McIntyre, 2006).

Can a person with Down syndrome go to university?

Many people with disabilities, including students with Down syndrome, pursue higher education. College students with Down syndrome and their parents can choose from various inclusive higher education programs.

What can cause Down syndrome?

About 95 percent of the time, Down syndrome is caused by trisomy 21 — the person has three copies of chromosome 21, instead of the usual two copies, in all cells. This is caused by abnormal cell division during the development of the sperm cell or the egg cell.

What happens to adults with Down syndrome?

Adults with DS are at age-related increased risk for dementia, skin and hair changes, early onset menopause, visual and hearing impairments, adult onset seizure disorder, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes, obesity, sleep apnea and musculoskeletal problems.

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Can people with Down syndrome become doctors?

Yes, absolutely. The majority of people who graduate from MIT show signs of either autism of down syndrome. Because most people with Down Syndrome do not like to interact with other people, they are some of the smartest people. They definitely have the capability to become doctors or pretty much whatever else they might want to do.

Is it normal for a child with Down syndrome to be artistic?

Articulating does not come easily for her. She is smart, capable – and this is normal for people with Down syndrome. Intellectual disability, I have learned, should never be confused with stupidity. They are very different things.

Is it normal for a Down syndrome child to be smart?

Articulating does not come easily for her. She is smart, capable – and this is normal for people with Down syndrome. Intellectual disability, I have learned, should never be confused with stupidity. They are very different things. She is sporty: she is engaged in gymnastics, aikido.

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Should I consider the burden of having a Down syndrome child?

But, he said, “you really should think about the burden you will placing on your son by having a Down syndrome child.” The conversation went on, with me asking for more information, the doctor having nothing in the way of concrete, real information, only endless opinions that pointed to his ableism, prejudice, and ignorance.