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Can students express political views in school?

Can students express political views in school?

Speaking out in school Students can engage in political speech, which is considered the type of speech at the core of the First Amendment. The Founding Fathers considered such speech essential to the development of a constitutional democracy.

Does a student have the right to express his or her opinions and beliefs in school?

Everyone has the right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; this right includes freedom to change his [or her] religion or belief, and freedom, either alone or in community with others and in public and private, to manifest his [or her] religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.

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Do you think politics should be discussed in schools?

Because we feel like students are open to their own opinions about the debate. Yes, politics should be discussed in schools. Yes, I believe politics should be discussed in school because it will help educate the student about the different political parties and what each party represents or stands for.

Should teachers have political beliefs and opinions in the classroom?

Teachers’ political beliefs and opinions should never be present in school. While teachers should always stay neutral in the classroom, it is especially important now, as we are in the midst of one of the most important elections in American history.

What is a political classroom?

The “political classroom” is a classroom in which young people are learning to deliberate about political questions. It really is the process of deliberation that is the major skill being taught. And then, through deliberation, students are learning about the issues.

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Is it a responsibility of teachers to discuss politics?

Then I tell them that discussing politics is not only called for but is a central responsibility of the job. Many are confused. Some are scared. A few resist. None of that makes it less true: teaching is an inherently political activity. Full stop.