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Can the doctor tell if you have bulimia?

Can the doctor tell if you have bulimia?

Your doctor will use a variety of tests to diagnose bulimia. First, they will conduct a physical examination. They may also order blood or urine tests. And a psychological evaluation will help determine your relationship with food and body image.

Can you hide bulimia from dentist?

But you can’t hide bulimia nervosa from your dentist. You just can’t.

How do dentists know if you have bulimia?

Excessive tooth erosion is one way your dentist could tell if a patient may be bulimic. Frequent vomiting can lead to sensitive teeth, dry mouth and red, cracked lips. All signs that your dentist is trained to recognize as side effects of bulimia.

Is there a trick to hide an eating disorder?

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Content note: eating disorders, including calorie counts. It’s not much of a trick, but being overweight is a great way to hide an eating disorder. You can literally say to people “I’m not eating at all” if you feel like being cheeky and they won’t think you have an eating disorder.

Should I Hide my bulimia?

You cannot hide bulimia. It will seep into the cracks of your entire life, it will leave you broke and bankrupt. It will ruin all of your relationships. It will run your life and you will let it. You cannot hide Bulimia Nervosa, it will find a way to destroy everything.

How do narcissists hide their eating disorders?

They can dress to hide their rib cage, and they can think they’re fooling people by cutting the food on their plate into tiny bites and just moving it around, but most people don’t even want to see an eating disorder, so they don’t.

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What is the most common lie people tell about their eating habits?

(I think the most common lie is, “I’m eating 500 calories per day.”) They can dress to hide their rib cage, and they can think they’re fooling people by cutting the food on their plate into tiny bites and just moving it around, but most people don’t even want to see an eating disorder, so they don’t.