
Can the Shield Charm block the killing curse?

Can the Shield Charm block the killing curse?

The Killing Curse (Avada Kedavra) was a tool of the Dark Arts and was one of the three Unforgivable Curses. The Killing Curse was a conventionally unblockable curse; therefore shield charms would not be able to defend against it.

Can Protego block Avada Kedavra?

Protego and it’s stronger counterpart, Protego Maxima, both wouldn’t work to block the Killing Curse as it is mentioned in the book that Avada Kedavra is unblockable. Also, Protego is a pretty standard spell, if something like it could block the Killing Curse, there would be a lot fewer deaths.

Why did Voldemort have to be the one to kill Harry?

15 Answers. But as other users have noted, Voldemort had to be the one to kill Harry because the enchantment only worked against Voldemort, no one else. Had Bellatrix or any other Death Eater’s killed Harry, he would have not survived because the enchantment only protected him from the curses Voldemort sent at him.

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Why did Lord Voldemort lose the Second Wizarding War?

As Harry Potter’s main antagonist, Lord Voldemort lost the Second Wizarding War due to his own mistakes. Here’s how he could come have out on top. Voldemort displayed rather uneven personality traits during his time as the main antagonist in Harry Potter.

What would happen to Harry if he was killed by someone else?

In other words, Harry, if killed by someone other than Voldemort, would die 100\%, despite Voldemort having taken his blood into the new body. Therefore, it’s quite possible that the “essential” comment was meant in the angle of Harry surviving and NOT Voldemort losing the last “Horcrux”.

Was it possible for Neville Longbottom to defeat Voldemort?

Harry was the only one that could defeat Voldemort. It was possible for Neville to have been the one with the power to defeat the dark lord but Voldemort ensured that it was to be Harry when he tried to kill him as a baby and the curse rebounded killing Vildemort’s body and a piece of his soul attaching to Harry.