Tips and tricks

Can the undead reproduce?

Can the undead reproduce?

It depends a lot on the lore. In most vampire stories, vampires cannot reproduce normally because they are viral.

How do vampires make new vampires?

For example, a vampire can turn a mortal into another vampire by biting them and not draining them of their blood; this entails the transfer of vampire blood and/or venom to the human and the human living after the vampire finishes feeding, like in The Twilight Saga novels and films.

Can vampires reproduce DND?

Christopher Perkins on Twitter: “D&D vampires can’t sire living children. They create vampire spawn by way of compensation.

Can undead have children DND?

It doesn’t matter if the child is living or undead as long as it has it’s own free will.

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Can vampire spawn reproduce?

Can vampires reproduce with other species?

Reproduction In rare cases, vampires are able to sexually reproduce with other Vampires, creating a pureborn Vampire who inherits the sum of both their parents’ Vampire strains, presumably making them more “pure” and respected than others of their species. Vampires are also able to reproduce with Lycans, given that Sonja became pregnant by Lucian.

Do vampires eat other Immortals blood?

While they primarily consume human blood, Vampires, as well as Hybrids with the Vampire gene, have also been shown to feed from animals and even other Vampires, meaning they can be satiated by the blood of other Immortals.

How do vampires come back to life?

A vampire is created when a human comes back from death. Despite the method or how it is done… If it’s a magical ritual, a deal made with an entity, or simply someone which soul in death finds the power to come back. Then that soul is said to come back to its former physical body now dead.

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Is it possible for vampires to be infertile?

In Buffy the Vampire Slayer (my main source of information about vampires, demons and the forces of darkness) it’s explicitly stated that vampires are infertile. In which case, all vampires would have to be alive before they can be undead.