
Can the WiFi owner see my YouTube history?

Can the WiFi owner see my YouTube history?

The owner or operator of a wireless network may also be able to see that there is YouTube traffic. They will not be able to see specific video content. Subscriptions, likes, comments, searches, etc. are also secured and cannot be viewed by the Wi-Fi owner.

Can ISP see what I watch on YouTube?

You are wondering, “can my ISP see what I am watching on YouTube?” The answer is no. Your ISP can’t see what you’re doing on YouTube, but they can see that you are using your bandwidth to access YouTube. -Number of Links in an article from other websites.

Can WiFi provider see your history if you delete it?

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Your ISP’s record of your network usage isn’t in any way affected by you doing anything to your router. You can make it (nearly) impossible for your ISP to know what sites you’re visiting by using Tor or similar.

Can you view deleted YouTube history?

If you delete history on YouTube, it will not show the history on YouTube app or on your YouTube account any more. But it will remain on the GOOGLE ACTIVITY.

Is it safe to watch YouTube videos on my WiFi?

Yes, the link to the youtube video is most likely visible across the communication link. No, your WiFi access point does not generally keep track of any visited website, your ISP probably does though. You have nothing to worry about, watch what you wish (not illegal stuff though), and don’t share your device (or clear your youtube history).

Can my router see what I have searched on YouTube?

So, realistically speaking your router would not know what you have searched on YouTube and it does not keep a history of your searches on YouTube or in any other website. It can “see” that you went to YouTube.

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Can my ISP see my browsing history?

Answer Wiki. If you are getting access to the internet, there is an ISP who can see your traffic. If they want to know the history of your internet connections & activity, they certainly can collect and review that information.

Does Youtube spy on you via WiFi hotspot?

YouTube uses HTTPS, which implies all traffic is encrypted. I don’t see why anyone would willingly spy on you though. If you’re specifically talking about your device to your wifi hotspot, it can be intercepted assuming the eavesdropper is directly between your device and the wifi router, and re-forwarding the spied information.