
Can two people who are opposites be together?

Can two people who are opposites be together?

While it may not necessarily be a rule of nature, it’s certainly true that people with seemingly opposite personalities can work well together in a relationship, for a variety of reasons. Besides, dating someone who’s exactly like you would probably get boring after a while!

Should you date someone who is opposite of you?

Even though it makes sense to date some who’s a lot like you, don’t rule out the idea of dating someone who is your opposite, either. If your partner happens to have a different outlook on life, different personality traits, and even different interests, it can make for a fun and interesting relationship.

Why do some Opposites attract in relationships?

There’s usually a reason why people may be attracted to their opposite. According to clinical psychologist John Mayer, PhD, author of Family Fit: Find Your Balance in Life, you’re attracted to your opposite because they have some qualities that you feel you kinda suck at.

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Can two different personalities date?

What’s more, science has found that couples with different personality types work – and can be super-happy together. According to 2012 research by Cornell University’s Vanessa K. Bohns, published in the journal Social Cognition, opposite couples worked well together as a team on mutually-shared long term goals.

Why do Opposites Attract?

Opposites attract, well they do if you’re dealing with magnets. With people and relationships, it gets complicated. This age-old saying “opposites attract” dates back to at least the 1800s and is translated into many different languages, shared in many cultures. But so is the adage, “birds of a feather flock together.”.

Is it bad to be the opposite of your partner?

Couples who consider themselves opposites “are not necessarily any more prone to disagreement or conflict than those that connect more around similarities,” Cilona says. When you think of you and your partner as opposites, you probably focus on more obvious things, like clothes and what you like to do in your off-hours.

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What attracts people to each other?

Studies have found that people are more likely to be attracted to and pursue romantic relationships with individuals who are more like themselves across a broad range of personal characteristics, including age, religion, political orientation, and certain aspects of intelligence.

How should you think about your differences in a relationship?

For starters, Cilona recommends thinking of yourselves as being complementary to each other instead of being opposites. TBH, that just sounds better and less like you’re suddenly going to throw down at any given moment. You can also think of your differences as ways to learn more for your own personal growth.