
Can US citizens travel without passport?

Can US citizens travel without passport?

Citizens of the United States can travel to any of the fifty states in the U.S. without a passport. You can drive throughout the 48 contiguous states and the District of Columbia without a passport; in fact, sometimes a big welcome sign is the only indication you’ve passed from one state into another.

Does Indian president need passport to travel?

On 25 June 2008 the Indian Passport Authority issued the e-passport to the then President of India Pratibha Patil. As of 2016, the Government has plans to issue e-passports to all of its citizens.

Do presidents get visa?

1 Answer. The simple answer is that yes, they do sometimes need a visa. The details obviously vary, but there is no general exemption or tradition that would allow heads of state to go everywhere in the world without visa or authorisation. Case in point: The US A-1 visa as explained on travel.state.gov.

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Does Queen Elizabeth have passport?

The Queen does not need a passport to travel overseas, because British passports are actually issued on behalf of the Queen. The Royal Family website explains: “As a British passport is issued in the name of Her Majesty, it is unnecessary for The Queen to possess one.”

What kind of passport does the US President have?

The president of the United States, his immediate family, certain top officials, and diplomatic personnel are issued diplomatic passports, which have a black cover and for which the bearer doesn’t have to pay a passport fee. When the president travels, a team of people, usually from the State Department,…

Does the head of state need a passport to travel?

Generally speaking it is not necessary for a head of state to have a passport to travel, although most do, especially those from less-well-known countries (where the head of state might not be recognized world-wide).

Do you need a passport to travel to a port?

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Generally, such documents contained a list of towns and cities the document holder was permitted to enter or pass through. At that time, a passport was not required for travel to seaports, which were considered open trading points, but it was required to travel inland from sea ports.

Can a person with a passport re-enter a country?

The passport holder is normally allowed to re-enter the country that issued the passport in accordance with the laws of that country. Holding a passport does not necessarily grant the person entry into any other country, nor to consular protection while abroad, or other privileges such as immunity from arrest or prosecution.