
Can we marry if Horoscope doesnt match?

Can we marry if Horoscope doesnt match?

DVB: Yes one can marry if the horoscopes do not match. Many enjoy a long and unblemished married life despite having a very low Asthakoot or Dashakoot match. I witness many successful marriages, which had Mangal Dosha, Bhakoot Dosha, and Nadi Dosha or had other known obstructions in marriage.

Are astrologers correct?

Astrology purports that astronomical bodies have influence on people’s lives beyond basic weather patterns, depending on their birth date. This claim is scientifically false. In one of the most famous experiments, Shawn Carlson had 28 astrologers make predictions and then tested the accuracy of their predictions.

Can astrology tell you when you’re going to get married?

While astrology is great for giving you insight about your personality and the types of people you’d be compatible with, can it really tell you when you’re going to get married? According to astrologers, yes. But it’s not as straightforward as you might think. Redefine your day with the Bustle newsletter.

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Do horoscopes match when you are in love?

If you are in love with someone and you both share a perfect relationship then there is hardly any need to see whether the horoscopes are matching or not. The funny truth about the horoscope matching is that it simply does not work. Still, it is the very first condition that needs to be fulfilled before marriage.

How can an astrologer do better analysis of a marriage proposal?

For better analysis the astrologer should study the individual charts of both boy and girl and deeply study the chart for health, profession, longevity, progeny and compatibility. This can not be done from the table alone. I come across daily many cases where good proposals are rejected on the basis of this faulty and obslete table.

Is it possible to get married with a low score of 36?

Yes. I got married 41 years back with very low score out of 36, I am Manglik but my wife is not, We had both maha doshas- Bhakoot & Nadi and all the astrologers suggested not to marry. I had not learnt astrology at that time but was a bit non believer and ignored the opinion of astrologers.