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Can we say luggages?

Can we say luggages?

The major difference between baggage and luggage isn’t in the concrete meaning but in the figurative meaning: we say “emotional baggage,” “political baggage,” and “personal baggage” to refer to intangible things that get in the way—but luggage is never used in this way.

Is baggage a countable noun?

Some nouns always have plural form but they are uncountable because we cannot use numbers with them….Countable phrases for uncountable nouns.

uncountable countable
baggage/luggage a suitcase, a bag, a rucksack
bread a loaf (of bread), a (bread) roll

How much is or many luggage?

people is a plural noun always preceded by many, and never by much: There are too many people. information, luggage (or baggage), and equipment are uncountable nouns and therefore are always singular: How much luggage did you bring? or How many bags did you bring?

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What kind of word is luggage?

suitcases, trunks, etc.; baggage.

Is baggage and luggage the same?

In British English, both these words refer to the bags and suitcases that you take with you when you travel, together with their contents. Luggage is more common than baggage. In American English, luggage refers to empty bags and suitcases. Baggage refers to bags and suitcases with their contents.

What is the plural of Salman?

noun. salm·​on | \ ˈsa-mən \ plural salmon also salmons.

Is Baggaged a word?

from The Century Dictionary. Mad; bewitched.

Is there a plural form of luggage?

The noun luggage can be countable or uncountable. In more general, commonly used, contexts, the plural form will also be luggage. However, in more specific contexts, the plural form can also be luggages e.g. in reference to various types of luggages or a collection of luggages. Click to see full answer

How do you use the word baggage in a sentence?

Baggage is uncountable Noun, whose plural is also Baggage. It could also be used in a figurative manner to express set back that has impacted someone in such a negative way. The baggage from his youth is affecting the present. , Studied Latin and English at school and university.

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What is the difference between baggage and sheep?

“Baggage” is used the same way as “sheep”. One sheep, two sheep, three sheep…. Baggage is a collective term; this sentence would make sense whether you were referring to one suitcase or four: Please keep your baggage with you at all times. Essentially, the plural of baggage is baggage.

What is emotional baggage?

2 past experiences or long-held opinions perceived as encumbrances: emotional baggage. 3 dated a cheeky or disagreeable girl or woman. Click to expand…