
Can we use angular in server-side?

Can we use angular in server-side?

Angular Universal executes on the server, generating static application pages that later get bootstrapped on the client. Easily prepare an application for server-side rendering using the Angular CLI. The CLI schematic @nguniversal/express-engine performs the required steps, as described.

Which server side language is best with angular?

Some said that ruby is the best most robust server side language. Others said that it will be best to choose node. js cause in that case I get both my client and server written in the same language. Last ones said that to go for php as it’s simply the most comfortable one.

Is AngularJS client-side or server-side?

Angular Js is a client side framework which is used to develop a stuff at client side and not at server side. Angular Js is strong and powerful javascript framework used to add functionality in your web app.

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Does AngularJS need a server?

Angular Js doesn’t require a server until you want to use angular directives like ‘ng-include’, or you want page routing or ajax request in your application.

Can angular be used as a server side scripting language?

No, we can’t use Angular as an option for server side scripting. Angular is a framework based on JS. Now this JS can act both as a client side and server side language. A framework only enhances the capability of a language and here angular does the same.

What is the difference between angular and Angular 2?

Angular is a framework based on JS. Now this JS can act both as a client side and server side language. A framework only enhances the capability of a language and here angular does the same. On the other hand, if you want to use angular for server side rendering that’s very much possible with Angular 2, using angular universal.

Can Angular JS be used for web development?

Nope, Never . Angular Js is a client side framework which is used to develop a stuff at client side and not at server side. Angular Js is strong and powerful javascript framework used to add functionality in your web app.