
Can you ask a masseuse to massage your butt?

Can you ask a masseuse to massage your butt?

A massage therapist can do a butt massage as part of an all-body massage. You can also ask them to specifically focus on the butt and any areas of pain or discomfort. Medical insurance is unlikely to cover massage therapy, but some may cover massage therapy with a note and prescription from your doctor.

Do you keep your pants on during a massage?

Or, Just Don’t Wear Underwear. “Since you’ll be covered in a drape except for whichever body part the massage therapist is working on, underwear is optional,” says Michelle Trigona-Gaine, licensed massage therapist and owner of Bodies in Balance Therapeutic Massage & Wellness in Hopewell Junction, New York.

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Do massage therapists massage the glutes?

Massage Therapists are trained professionals who work out tension in your muscles tissues. Your gluteus maximus, gluteus medius and gluteus minimus are the muscles that make up your butt. Yep. These are powerful, hard working muscular tissues that really need your massage therapist to work on them during your sessions.

Is it OK for a massage therapist to touch you?

What is never OK during a massage? If you are getting a massage for therapeutic or relaxing purposes, it is never acceptable for the therapist to touch the client’s genitals. That area is strictly off limits. In most cases, a woman’s breast tissue is also avoided during a massage.

Can you call off a massage at any point?

Even if massaging a body part — let’s say your feet — is an entirely acceptable part of a massage, you may not enjoy having your feet touched. In that case, just tell your therapist and he or she will skip that area. If for some reason they don’t, you can call off the massage at any point.

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Can a massage therapist touch your genitals during massage?

If you are getting a massage for therapeutic or relaxing purposes, it is never acceptable for the therapist to touch the client’s genitals. That area is strictly off limits. In most cases, a woman’s breast tissue is also avoided during a massage. There is one exception to this, though: Getting a breast massage after a mastectomy.

Can a massage therapist refuse to leave their underwear on?

Some establishments, like MassageJoy, have processes in place if a therapist faces an uncomfortable situation with a client, like if they refuse to leave their underwear on (complying with company policy) or make any other inappropriate requests, Ahm says.