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Can you be friends with someone you feel sorry for?

Can you be friends with someone you feel sorry for?

It’s natural and healthy to have sympathy for your friends and loved ones when they are going through tough times. But sometimes, sympathy can turn into pity, and if that pity is the only reason you are spending time with someone, that friendship likely is not going to last.

Are pity and sympathy the same?

Pity is a feeling of discomfort at the distress of one or more sentient beings, and often has paternalistic or condescending overtones. Sympathy (‘fellow feeling’, ‘community of feeling’) is a feeling of care and concern for someone, often someone close, accompanied by a wish to see him better off or happier.

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What is sympathy and how do you practice it?

Sympathy is the simple act of feeling sorry for someone (and no one wants to feel like others feel sorry for them). While you will not always know what is going on in your friend’s life or how a certain situation is affecting them, you should always be able to put yourself in their shoes and be part of their support system.

Are your friendships ruined by forgetting empathy?

Friendships Can Also Be Ruined By Forgetting Empathy. In friendship, it is important to distinguish between empathy and sympathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and identify with someone else’s situation. Sympathy is the simple act of feeling sorry for someone (and no one wants to feel like others feel sorry for them).

What is the difference between sympathy and empathy in friendship?

In friendship, it is important to distinguish between empathy and sympathy. Empathy is the ability to understand and identify with someone else’s situation. Sympathy is the simple act of feeling sorry for someone (and no one wants to feel like others feel sorry for them).

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What happens when you have an intense friendship with a friend?

Someone on the receiving end of this type of intense friendship can experience burn out and annoyance quickly. Maintaining boundaries when it comes to communication with a friend, no matter how close you are, is vital.