Can you be in a relationship and still be friends with your ex?

Can you be in a relationship and still be friends with your ex?

Yes, it’s absolutely possible to be friends with your ex. That said, being friends with an ex can sometimes make it harder to successfully move on from the relationship if there are still lingering romantic feelings for each other or if tension arises when you both start dating other people.

How can I be friends with my ex boyfriend?

In order to be a friend with your ex:

  1. You can’t see them as your partner any longer.
  2. You can’t harbor negative feelings about them.
  3. You truly have to like them as a person.
  4. Respect their individuality and space.
  5. Don’t bring up old arguments or reminisce about dating.
  6. Set boundaries that work for the both of you.
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Can 2 exes be friends?

According to the experts, friendship with an ex is possible, but there’s a catch. You must both be willing to admit that you don’t work together as a couple. Maintaining a healthy relationship post-breakup requires both people “to recognize what worked about the relationship and what did not,” says Dr.

Can You Be Friends with Your Ex and get Your Ex Back?

There is truth to all the above statements. Some people are just too toxic together, even as friends. If you don’t know what you are doing, being friends can hurt your chances of getting your ex back. That said, being friends with an ex is actually more common and more expected than most people who have never had an amicable break-up realize.

Is it hard to get over an ex-girlfriend?

Yes, it is very hard, especially if you see your ex with their new boyfriend or girlfriend, but if you’ve been able to take some time to heal and are far enough along in your process of self development, you’ll be fine. You just need to be able to treat your ex the way you would treat your friends, and work on deepening the complicity between you.

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How do you deal with an ex who is dating someone else?

You just need to be able to treat your ex the way you would treat your friends, and work on deepening the complicity between you. You’ll see something very interesting begin to happen because this is when you become an actual threat to his or her new relationship.

How do you get over a toxic ex boyfriend?

“Try seeking the support of a therapist or trusted, impartial friend. Or turn to personal practices, like journaling, to help release and clarify your thoughts and feelings,” deVos recommended. 2. You can’t talk about your ex without getting worked up.