
Can you be too attached to your child?

Can you be too attached to your child?

Children can’t be too attached, they can only be not deeply attached. Attachment is meant to make our kids dependent on us so that we can lead them. It is our invitation for relationship that frees them to stop looking for love and to start focusing on growing.

Why is the love for your child so strong?

Oxytocin isn’t the only love chemical. Dopamine, the main currency of pleasure in the brain, plays an important role in early bonding, too – for you and for your baby. As you hold, rock, or nurse your child, you both get a rush of this “reward” chemical.

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Why is my child overly affectionate?

Being overly affectionate can be a sign of Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD). According to the STAR Institute for Sensory Processing, some symptoms are: Being overly sensitive to stimulation. Moving constantly.

Should you limit the amount of Love you give Your Children?

But while you shouldn’t ever limit the amount of love you give your children, you do need to watch the ways you express that love. If your love leads you to overprotect, overindulge, or overcontrol your kids, that’s not healthy.

How do you deal with an overbearing adult child?

Give your adult children complete autonomy, but always keep praying for them. Stop overindulging them. Don’t give in to whatever your children want, no matter how much they beg, whine, or throw temper tantrums.

Are You Passionate in love with your children?

It’s only natural to be passionately in love with your children, and all kids deserve that kind of love from their parents. But while you shouldn’t ever limit the amount of love you give your children, you do need to watch the ways you express that love.

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How can I have a better relationship with my kids?

Know that, in Jesus, there is no condemnation. As you examine your relationship with your kids, talk to God about the ways in which you need help, and accept the mercy and grace that He offers you. Rely on His strength to change, and trust Him to be with you along the way to better relationships with your kids.